Monday, June 16, 2008

Careers Gen - Y

Younger generation is always on the lookout for something exciting and better, does not want to be limited in its choice of careers. With youth today following the strategy of experimenting with professions, the options seem almost unlimited. Take a walk through the job market, and one will bump into professional who make a living out of dispensing knowledge on how to maintain a car, or how to meet ones financial goals etc.. Of course, these are in addition more conventional professions like law, marketing and chartered accountancy. In this article we are giving brief details of some unique job opportunities available in fiancé and real estate.
A career in finance is no longer limited to being a chartered accountant or company secretary. The growing role of stock markets and other investment avenues in people’s lives have given rise on many new opportunities. There are a number of programs that offer certified courses for those with money on their minds. In the financial world today, companies want experts in everything. While the CEO wants to concentrate on searching for growth opportunities for the company, the day-to-day work is handled by these experts.
Stock broking:
Stock broking as an enterprise has become more professional, as markets are increasingly seen as more than just a way to make a quick buck. There are courses available to teach the nuances of investing right. One should start with the training program offered by the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE).
Technical financial analysis:
The charts do the talking here. Technical analysis is the study of stock price graphs to predict possible trends in the market. The job prospects for such analysts are expanding. A growing number of television channels which aim to give their viewers a holistic view of the markets everyday are now open to hiring technical analysts, too.
Portfolio management:
The outlook is brought for careers in portfolio management, as more high net worth individuals (HNIs) hire professionals in order to earn better from various investment options. A portfolio management expert monitors and analyses economic and corporate developments. Those with incisive analytical skills and the ability to take quick decisions are sought after in this field. A number of banks today offer portfolio management services to select clients. Working as a relationship manager for a specific client with such a bank would be good first step towards becoming a certified portfolio manager.
Financial advising:
A financial advisor provides investment and financial advice to clients. Most financial advisors are appointed by mutual fund houses or insurance companies to promote and market their schemes to Individual customers. They receive a commission from company for the same. Financial advisors have limitations with regards to products that they are able to sell.
Certified financial planning:
A certified financial planner’s (CFP’s) job is similar to that of a financial advisor. The major difference is that the CFP works with a wider canvas. There is a difference in training required for both the jobs. To be financial planner, an individual has to pass just one exam. But to be a CFP, he must clear around 10 hours of exams, and continuously upgrade his skills. A CFP is supposed to take a holistic view of a client’s financial needs, and come up with solutions that will help clients meet their short and long term financial goals.
Real estate:
The real estate markets, too, have been blooming, along with our developing economy. Today, big cities are not the only places to offer great money raising possibilities as far as real estate goes. Tier II and Tier III cities too are being sought after by retailers and manufacturers. The field is adapting to a more professional system of working, as international real estate players swarm the sector. Retail estate has gone beyond broking and leasing deals as job options. Today, one can join any of several departments in a real estate consultant company, each of which offers great job opportunities.
Transaction services:
This is original broking job, but with a few differences. The selected candidates would be appointed as an account managers and their job would be to not only get interested parties together and negotiate for his client but also facilitate the entire procedure to its logical conclusion. Since account managers are the biggest revenue earners for any real estate company, they get attractive commissions on the deals they see through.
Real estate consultancy:
Consultants service a particular client with land holdings, just as a portfolio manager would do with equity. The consultant does the research and comes up with the best possible use for the land.
The researcher’s post is an important one in a real estate company, since everyone, from the consultant to Account manager, needs data. The researcher’s job is track real estate trends and prices.
Property management:
Real estate companies have widened their services spectrum in recent years, and thus have departments that did not exist before. As a project manager assigned to manage property, you would be responsible for on-site issues at one or more development sites.


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