Thursday, November 30, 2006

Successful Tips For Setting Goals

"Goals. There's no telling what you can do when you get inspired by them. There's no telling what you can do when you believe in them. And there's no telling what will happen when you act upon them." ~ Jim Rohn
Would you like to achieve positive results in your life and get what you really want? This tried and tested goal setting strategy is an effective way to set and achieve your goals.
Ten Successful Tips for Goal Setting are as follows:
# 1. Write them down.
By writing down your goals you are showing personal commitment and declaring your intention to succeed, as well as helping to clarify your thinking.
# 2. Be specific.
Write down goals that are specific, measurable and positive. Focus clearly on what you desire, not what you lack or want to get rid of from your life.
#3. Time Bound.
Set a date by which you will have achieved each of your goals. Otherwise, it’s like starting a football match without having agreed when the game is to end!
#4. Think of the benefits.
Think through all the benefits of achieving your goals, and write them all down. This helps you clarify why they are important to you, visualise and feel what it will be like to achieve them, check how committed you are to working on them - and all this will help energise and motivate you if the going gets tough.
#5. Consider options and obstacles.
How many ways can you think of to achieve your goal? Evaluate the results and consequences of each. What could stop you or cause a problem? And what about subconscious obstacles? Complete this sentence several times to find out more – "I want to achieve (name your goal) but………"
#6. Make a detailed plan.
Having chosen your preferred way forward, identify all the actions you’ll need to take. This breaks a seemingly big and daunting task down into manageable steps, enables you to plan what to do, prepare for problems, and reduces resistance to actually getting started.
#7. Identify resources.
What skills, knowledge, ability and contacts do you already have? What additional resources will you require? What changes do you need to make? Realistically review and assess this when making your plan, and ask for extra support as required.
#8. Balance and fit.
Check that all the areas of your life are in balance – if not, will your various goals make this happen? Will your goals support your long term plans and fit your ambitions, are they worthy of you, do they reflect your values? So while you are building that great career or business, ensure that you are also looking after your health, relationships, fun time, wealth and personal development etc.
#9. Take action!
Make a start. Actually take the first step you identified when you formed your plan of action.
#10. Review and reward.
Set some interim milestones as part of your initial strategy. This means you can check your progress regularly and see that you are moving in the right direction. And as part of this process acknowledge your achievements along the way and reward yourself for everything you accomplish. Celebrate!

Goal Setting : Getting Started

We all have goals. Some goals are long-term and some are short-term. Some are goals we have shelved for so long they are dusty and covered with cobwebs. Some are freshly minted. However for those of us who are not as successful in life as we would wish we often despair of achieving our goals. Some goals seem out-of-reach and unattainable. This does not have to be what actually happens. We have the power within ourselves to change our lives and the place to begin is when we are setting our goals.

There are simple rules that make it more likely for us to achieve our goals and the first is to follow the K.I.S.S. principle. In other words, keep it simple stupid. The more elaborate and complicated we make our goals then the less likely we will be to follow through with them.
The best way to simplify your goal setting is to only set one goal -- the ultimate goal. After that then everything else is just details. What is the ultimate goal? What is your final destination? When you are on your deathbed and you cast a look back over your life then what do you want to see accomplished there? When you look around you what do you want to see? That vision is your ultimate goal.
We all know that having a destination in mind makes traveling easier. Knowledge of that destination helps us plan what to pack and controls our transportation decisions. The same is true when it comes to setting goals and achieving those goals. If we know our destination then we know what to pack (and what to leave behind) and we can make better decisions about how to reach that destination. Simplifying our goals to that one ultimate goal also helps us focus on that one destination rather than constantly detouring and losing our way. It also makes it easier to measure the importance and relevance of so many other decisions that impact our daily life when we have the measuring stick. If we take Path A or Path B which will be more effective in reaching that ultimate destination?
Naming that ultimate goal for ourselves is a tremendously powerful tool for our own success because so often we spend our time and energy focusing on managing the details of our lives. We are simply reacting to whatever is thrown at us by others or simply by daily life.
However in order to truly achieve success and achieve our goals then we must take the lead and that means acting. Simply by setting our ultimate goal and focusing our energy and time on that goal means that instead of reacting we are now taking action. That action means we have taken a leadership role in our own success. Simply by taking that action we are taking control of our own life and that is a very powerful step toward success.
If you want to achieve more success in your life then you must set one simple goal -- the ultimate goal for your life -- and you must get out in front of the goal to take action with your life instead of reacting all your life.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Good Leadership and Teamwork

As a leader you need to build and cultivate your team’s confidence. Your team should have confidence in them self as well as confidence in your leadership skills. As you work with your team you will build a consistent history based on past successes and failures. If you maintain a good track record of success you will create a sense of optimism that future projects will also be successful. If you have a record of disappointment, your team will probably view any new projects as having a high chance of failing.

It is the job of the leader to select projects that will contribute to an overall sense of success within his team. By starting with projects that the team all believes will be successful. A leader will be able to raise the level of confidence for the next project. A series of projects can be completed easily and successfully when they are ordered in such a way to build confidence while the same projects may face failures when done in a different order.
When you speak to people as a leader, what you say that's really important. On top of that the action people take after you have had your say is most important. And if you are not having the people you lead take the right action, you're giving short shrift to your leadership, their trust in you, and their desire to take action for you.
Here are the 4 ways of right action to get people marching in the right way for the right purpose at the right time in the right direction.
Action must be:
  1. PHYSICAL. Action is not what the audience thinks or feels. It is what the audience actually does. Usually, the audience takes action with their feet, hands and tools. Getting your audience to take right action involves challenging them to do one specific thing.
  2. PURPOSEFUL. People who take action are useless to an organization. It is only those people who take action for results are useful. Make sure their action has purpose. The secret of success is constancy of purpose. When your audience takes action, they should know exactly what they are doing and why they are doing it. Purpose in leadership has three aspects: reason, feeling and awareness.

    People should understand the rational justification for the action; they should have an emotional commitment to the action; and be fully mindful that they are taking action.
  3. HONEST. If you trick people into taking action or lie to get them to take action, you'll damage that element on which all motivation is based trust. Afterward, you may be able to order them to do a job, but you will never motivate them. Be honest with yourself in developing your call-to-action. Marcus Aurelius said, "Never esteem anything as an advantage to you that will make you break your word or lose your self-respect."

    Be honest with them in challenging them to act. After all, we do not know how good we are as leaders unless we are challenging the people to be better than they think they are. And they cannot be persuaded to accept that challenge if they think we're deceiving them or that you are deceiving yourself.
  4. MEANINGFUL. Action gives meaning to the emotion your audience feels. Emotion alone cannot get results. It's action that gets results. Action validates emotion, and vice versa.

Creating Success

One of the most important aspects of creating success involves a delicate balance between two somewhat opposing forces – REFLECTION and ACTION.

Most successful leaders in business or elsewhere are seasoned veterans at creating an ongoing balance between the reflection of where they are now and the action of pushing toward where they need to go.

Consider the variety of personalities that exist and how they can be represented by the analogy of Ready, Aim and Fire. There are those can be described as Ready, Ready, Aim. They are always planning and never moving to the action. Then, there is the opposite who could be described as the Fire, Ready, Fire. They are always acting but never reflecting on where they are or where they need to go. This means that they are often spending effort that becomes wasted effort or at least effort that is inefficient.

No matter what our personality style, true success comes when you can initiate a balanced cycle of Ready, Aim, Fire, Ready, Aim, Fire, Ready… You don’t spend too much time in either the state of Reflection or of Action.

It should also be mentioned that in teams, individuals may play different roles in the Ready, Aim & Fire analogy. Some focus on the reflection roles and others on the action roles. This is valid as everyone has different strengths. When it comes to leadership (and we all have leadership roles) and our personal lives, we must take control and be active in both parts.

Stumbling blocks to success and specifically to creating the Success include acting too often without any sense of direction or spending too much time reflecting without creating outcomes. Do either of these descriptions sound like you?

So, what can you do to create more Success in your life. The first thing would be to understand that both components of Success are active verbs. You are either actively reflecting or actively doing something. SUCCESS is NOT about INACTION.

The next thing to consider is whether you can spend time reflecting and acting at the same time? The short answer is… sort of. Your mind can only hold one thought at a time. This is an important point for us to remember when we are considering focus and balance in our lives. It is also important in the Success. You can be going through periods of reflection and action at the same time but the truth is that at any specific moment of time we are only spending energy in one of the two areas.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

6 Secrets for Happier Life

Happiness comes from within. The source of happiness comes from finding and embracing who we are as a person, and living a life of purpose. We need to find peace in every aspect of our life- the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.

Happiness is just within your reach. It’s just on the other side of the gnawing fear. It’s just on the other side of that self-defeating game that you keep on playing. The question is how do we get “there” from “here.” The question is what do you have to do?

The first secret to happiness is what makes you truly happy. It’s a difficult task to do especially if you really do this from your heart, not what your head tells you. Those things that you want are not same what anyone else wants for you. Happiness is feeling like I have a purpose and living my life with passion and vibrancy.
What is it that you really want in life? Do you want a stronger relationship with your spouse/partner? Do you want a more fulfilling career? Do you want to be able to sleep at night without any chatter in your head? Is your true desire to just want to get out of bed in the morning and embrace the day for what it is? Do you want to have a strong faith and put aside all fear and live life to the fullest?
Well, if you fall into any of these categories, then I encourage you to keep reading. We all want to be happy. But what separates the men from the boys and the women from the girls is the willingness to do the work. In my own experience, I found that when I get into enough pain, I’m willing to go to any length to quit feeling the way I was feeling. Are you willing to go on a journey? Are you willing to trust a process that is rewarding?

The next step to achieving happiness is to identify what is not working in your life. There are several self-defeating games that we play, playing the victim, get them before they get us, being a problem, using drugs/alcohol/food, not showing up, and lying. Which of these games do you use and how? Write a paragraph on three times that you’ve used a self-defeating game. Write about how it worked for you, what it cost to you….

Another key step to creating a life of happiness is the power of choice. So many times, we do not think that I had a choice. Particularly abuse survivors think that they don’t have a choice in their situation. They are controlled by fear, but the truth is that if they were willing to step outside of their comfort zone and what seems normal to them, there are ways that they can get out of their situation. If you make the choice to stay in the situation however painful it was for you. Making healthy choices for ourselves gives us an amazing feeling of empowerment. It is something that is indescribable.

Taking Responsibility for our actions is probably the most difficult part of creating a life of happiness. You have to pretend that someone who you blame for something is standing in front of you; now point your finger at them. You have to realize that when you point the finger at someone else, you have 3 pointing back to you. By taking responsibility for your own actions and seeing where was wrong, you will be able to identify the things that you did to other people, therefore you will be able to truly make amends to them. By seeing your part, you can change a lot of behaviors.
Forgiveness is the next step. If you go through the process of forgiving the people that hurt you, you will start to feel that nothing in the world could stop you from having the happiness that you had longed for, for so long. Giving back is the final step in achieving the happiness that you want. As you began to de-clutter your heart and get rid of all the things that kept you in the darkness, your heart would felt full, you would felt alive, and you will start to feel that you had so much to offer the world.

Finally, we must have meaning in our life. We must feel that we matter and that what we do matters. We must know that we are valuable, valued and that our lives make a difference.

I hope that you will finally find the freedom that you so deserve.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Car Insurance - Most Effective Tips for Discount

You have come to the right place, if you are looking for information on how to get car insurance for your new or pre-owned auto or if you just want to get a better auto insurance quote. Not all auto insurance companies have the same policy coverage, pricing or terms. To get the best car insurance policy at the cheapest rate, you will have to do a little research; most auto insurance companies offer online quotes, this is the easiest way to do comparisons.

Saving money wherever you can is important to us all. Car Insurance should be no different. Do not assume that your insurance agent knows everything about you and your car.
Drivers should take advantage of all discounts that many providers offer, that can significantly reduce the cost of car insurance. Understanding discounts and how they can affect car insurance premiums can help smart shoppers make better decisions about their coverage and possibly save themselves some money in the process.

Read below to identify possible discounts that could help you save money on car insurance this year. Other than discounts, there may be some other ways for you to save on your insurance premiums. We will go over several discounts that can help with your current situation.

First, there are discounts for Car Safety features. Certain country/states will give you discounts for anti-lock breaks. Make sure you know if it is two or four wheel anti-lock break vehicle. Automatic seatbelts and airbags are frequently discounted on your insurance premiums. In most states, a defensive driver class discount may apply. If the principal driver usually 55 years old or older has completed an approved defensive driving class a discount could apply. Keep in mind that most states will only approve this class if it is voluntary meaning that it was not the result of a violation or infraction.

Some insurers will give you a discount for having multiple cars. In some cases, this will only apply if you have two or more drivers. If you have a clean driving record, meaning you do not have any tickets, accidents or suspensions in the last three years (some companies require five years) then you could be eligible for a safe driver's discount.

Many insurance companies will reward you with staying with the same insurance company for many years without any accidents reported. They will offer you a renewal discount. It makes sense, you have carried insurance with a company for several years, and have not had an accident, your insurance company likes you and wants to reward and keep your business. Some companies honor you with a discount if you had prior limits on your previous policy. They discount you because they understand you are a better risk.

Conversely, if you do decided to change insurers a proof of prior insurance discount may apply. Most insurers request at least 6 months of consecutive insurance from the previous insurer. If you are a full-time student who meets certain grade requirements and are unmarried and usually under the age specified you could be eligible for a good student discount. If you own a home, which is used as a principal residence, a discount could apply. Military personnel either currently active or retired from any branch of the US military a discount could apply. If your vehicle is equipped with an anti-theft device, a discount could apply.

You could lower the cost of your car insurance in other ways as well.

For people who own older cars, it may not be necessary or cost-effective to protect them with collision and comprehensive coverage. By comparing the book value of your vehicle and the premium that the insurer has offered, you may find that it cost as much for the insurance as it does for the vehicle. If the car is worth less than $2,000, you will probably spend more insuring it than it is worth. The whole idea of driving an older car is to save money, so why not get what is coming to you.

In addition, keep in mind that the type of vehicle you buy could greatly affect your premium. A flashy red sports car is usually going to cost more to insure than other. This is also true of vehicles that are on the list of most stolen. There are many ways that policyholders can save on their insurance. Knowing more about auto policies and premiums can help consumers take advantage of less obvious discounts while ensuring that they have the appropriate protection for their vehicles.

The last way to save is to assume more risk. If you chose higher deductible on your Personal Injury Protection or Comprehensive and collision coverage will lower your premium as well. The deductible is the amount of money you have to pay before your insurance company begins paying the rest.

Effective Ways to Reduce Stress in Your Home and Work Environments

Though stress is a part of life, there are unique, enjoyable ways to reduce stress at home and at work. Stress occurs when the body reacts to change, triggered by events happening directly to you or around you. Although your bodily response can be a positive one -- keeping you alert -- too much stress can be harmful to your health.

“Everybody, these days, is prone to stress -- we need to find ways to reduce stress in our daily lives,” says Luke Sutton, president of Serenity Health, a provider of high quality relaxation and stress relief products for the home and office. “There are a number of simple things that people can do to greatly reduce stress in their daily lives.”

Although stress can’t always be avoided, we can certainly learn to manage it and lessen the harmful effects on our bodies. The National Mental Health Association and Serenity Health offer the following ideas for reducing stress in your life:
  • Regular exercise is a great way to reduce stress. Just 20 to 30 minutes of activity a day will help your body to relieve itself of pent-up stress.
  • Take short, periodic breaks from your day to just sit quietly and calm your mind. Even a bit of meditation or gentle focus can help to quiet your mind and calm your body. This can enormously help in relieving stress.
  • Eliminate stress from the moment you wake up in the morning. Most people use an alarm clock with a harsh beeping sound that suddenly jars them from sleep. That shocking process can actually send stress throughout your entire body, which sets the tone of your whole day.

Instead of a traditional alarm clock, there are a variety of very effective natural awakening alarm clocks that wake you up you in a gradual, stress-free way every morning.

There are also clocks that awaken you with a choice of several different nature sounds (such as ocean surf, forest rainfall, birds etc.) or your relaxing musical choice from any CD. Such clocks are also excellent for lulling you to sleep at night.

  • Share your feelings. Whether you have had a bad day at the office or a sick child to take care of, talking with a friend can help you remember you aren’t alone. Don’t forget to stay in touch with friends and family: they can provide valuable support and guidance.

So, remember to treat yourself of peace and relaxation every day, for your health and well-being. Honestly, You really deserve it.

Tips for Survive Stress in Work Place

Stress can manifest itself in both a positive and a negative way. Stress is said to be positive when the situation offers an opportunity to gain something.
Following are some of the long-term tips to survive stress:
  • Develop positive attitudes towards stressful situations in life. Give up negative mental traits such as fear, anger and revengeful attitudes, which actually germinate stress. Try to revert to holistic relaxation and personal growth techniques such as meditation, breathing and exercises, to remodel your lifestyles.
  • In today's business climate, you must continually be prepared for changes to avoid stress and survive in the competitive world.
  • Spend quality time with your family. This can be an excellent source of emotional and moral support.
  • Avoid giving in to alcohol, smoking and other substance abuses while under constant stress.
  • In case of chronic stress consult a health professional.
  • Reduce workplace stress by celebrating yours or your colleagues' accomplishments.
  • Adapting to demands of stress also means changing your personality. Improve your line of communication, efficiency and learn from other's experiences.
  • Don't be complacent. Be prepared for any change physically, emotionally and financially.But, when you are under stress at work, some simple practices can help:
  • Sit straight and comfortably on your seat, and try breathing exercises. It will relax your nerves and muscles.
  • Relax and count backwards (20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15….)
  • Try creative visualization When under severe stress, an individual fails to take clear-cut decisions. This can be described as a classic case of 'burnout'. The 'burnouts' often engage in reckless or risk-taking behaviors. Starting from glamour and sport celebrities to common men, 'burnouts' are found everywhere. You are at risk of burnout where:
  • you find it difficult to say 'no' to additional commitments or responsibilities
  • you have been under intense and sustained pressure for some time
  • your high standards make it difficult to delegate to assistants
  • you have been trying to achieve too much for too long
  • you have been giving too much emotional support for too long

Are You in Danger of Burning Out?

If you feel that you are in danger of burning out, the suggestions below can help you correct the situation:

• Re-evaluate your goals and prioritize them
• Evaluate the demands placed on you and see how they fit in with your goals
• Identify your ability to comfortably meet these demands.
• If people demand too much emotional energy, become more unapproachable and less sympathetic. Involve other people in a supportive role. Acknowledge your own humanity: remember that you have a right to pleasure and a right to relaxation
• Learn stress management skills
• Identify stressors in your life, such as work, or family. Get the support of your friends, family and even counseling in reducing stress
• Ensure that you are following a healthy lifestyle:

1. Get adequate sleep and rest to maintain your energy levels
2. Ensure that you are eating a healthy, balanced diet. Bad diet can make you ill or feel bad. Limit your caffeine and alcohol intake.
3. Try to recognize your spiritual needs that may have been buried under the mires of worldly pursuits

• Develop alternative activities such as a relaxing hobby to take your mind off problems Have You Burned Out?

• If you are so de-motivated that for a time you do not want to continue with what you do, then take some time off

• Alternatively, try to switch to another area of activity within your organization. If you come back later, you may find that you have started to enjoy the work again, and can take on only those commitments that you want. You may, however, find that you have absolutely no interest in continuing with what you are doing. In this case it may be best to drop it altogether

• Take support and counseling of near and dear ones to bring change to the current situation

• Enroll yourself with some meditation or yoga classes (to ensure group spiritual practice), gyms, aerobics or sports clubs to switch your focus, and to reorganize your priorities

• If you are in late stages of burnout, feeling deeply de-motivated and disenchanted with your job or life, get help from a good psychologist.

Stress and Workplace

What's it?
Job stress is a chronic disease caused by conditions in the workplace that negatively affect an individual's performance and/or overall well-being of his body and mind. One or more of a host of physical and mental illnesses manifests job stress. In some cases, job stress can be disabling. In chronic cases a psychiatric consultation is usually required to validate the reason and degree of work related stress. The signs of job stress vary from person to person, depending on the particular situation, how long the individual has been subjected to the stressors, and the intensity of the stress itself. Typical symptoms of job stress can be:

• Insomnia
• Loss of mental concentration
• Anxiety, stress
• Absenteeism
• Depression
• Substance abuse
• Extreme anger and frustration
• Family conflict
• Physical illnesses such as heart disease, migraine, headaches, stomach problems, and back problems.

Job stress may be caused by a complex set of reasons. Some of the most visible causes of workplace stress are:
Job Insecurity
Organized workplaces are going through metamorphic changes under intense economic transformations and consequent pressures. Reorganizations, takeovers, mergers, downsizing and other changes have become major stressors for employees, as companies try to live up to the competition to survive. These reformations have put demand on everyone, from a CEO to a mere executive.
High Demand for Performance
Unrealistic expectations, especially in the time of corporate reorganizations, which, sometimes, puts unhealthy and unreasonable pressures on the employee, can be a tremendous source of stress and suffering. Increased workload, extremely long work hours and intense pressure to perform at peak levels all the time for the same pay, can actually leave an employees physically and emotionally drained. Excessive travel and too much time away from family also contribute to an employee's stressors.
The expansion of technology-computers, pagers, cell phones, fax machines and the Internet-has resulted in heightened expectations for productivity, speed and efficiency, increasing pressure on the individual worker to constantly operate at peak performance levels. Workers working with heavy machinery are under constant stress to remain alert. In this case both the worker and their family members live under constant mental stress. There is also the constant pressure to keep up with technological breakthroughs and improvisations, forcing employees to learn new software all the times.
Workplace Culture
Adjusting to the workplace culture, whether in a new company or not, can be intensely stressful. Making oneself adapt to the various aspects of workplace culture such as communication patterns, hierarchy, dress code if any, workspace and most importantly working and behavioral patterns of the boss as well as the co-workers, can be a lesson of life. Maladjustment to workplace cultures may lead to subtle conflicts with colleagues or even with superiors. In many cases office politics or gossips can be major stress inducers.
Personal or Family Problems
Employees going through personal or family problems tend to carry their worries and anxieties to the workplace. When one is in a depressed mood, his unfocused attention or lack of motivation affects his ability to carry out job responsibilities.
Job Stress and Women

Women may suffer from mental and physical harassment at workplaces, apart from the common job stress. Sexual harassment in workplace has been a major source of worry for women, since long.
Women may suffer from tremendous stress such as 'hostile work environment harassment', which is defined in legal terms as 'offensive or intimidating behavior in the workplace'. This can consist of unwelcome verbal or physical conduct. These can be a constant source of tension for women in job sectors. Also, subtle discriminations at workplaces, family pressure and societal demands add to these stress factors.

Because change is constant in life, stress is an integral part of it. Since we don't want to perish under it, we have to adhere to the bottom line for survival-adapt.

Stress Management

What Is Stress?

Stress is the "wear and tear" our bodies experience as we adjust to our continually changing environment; it has physical and emotional effects on us and can create positive or negative feelings. As a positive influence, stress can help compel us to action; it can result in a new awareness and an exciting new perspective. As a negative influence, it can result in feelings of distrust, rejection, anger, and depression, which in turn can lead to health problems such as headaches, upset stomach, rashes, insomnia, ulcers, high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke. With the death of a loved one, the birth of a child, a job promotion, or a new relationship, we experience stress as we readjust our lives. In so adjusting to different circumstances, stress will help or hinder us depending on how we react to it.
How Can I Eliminate Stress from My Life?
As we have seen, positive stress adds anticipation and excitement to life, and we all thrive under a certain amount of stress. Deadlines, competitions, confrontations, and even our frustrations and sorrows add depth and enrichment to our lives. Our goal is not to eliminate stress but to learn how to manage it and how to use it to help us. Insufficient stress acts as a depressant and may leave us feeling bored or dejected; on the other hand, excessive stress may leave us feeling "tied up in knots." What we need to do is find the optimal level of stress, which will individually motivate but not overwhelm each of us.
How Can I Tell What is Optimal Stress for Me?
There is no single level of stress that is optimal for all people. We are all individual creatures with unique requirements. As such, what is distressing to one may be a joy to another. And even when we agree that a particular event is distressing, we are likely to differ in our physiological and psychological responses to it.
The person who loves to arbitrate disputes and moves from job site to job site would be stressed in a job which was stable and routine, whereas the person who thrives under stable conditions would very likely be stressed on a job where duties were highly varied. Also, our personal stress requirements and the amount which we can tolerate before we become distressed changes with our ages.It has been found that most illness is related to unrelieved stress. If you are experiencing stress symptoms, you have gone beyond your optimal stress level; you need to reduce the stress in your life and/or improve your ability to manage it.
How Can I Manage Stress Better?
Identifying unrelieved stress and being aware of its effect on our lives is not sufficient for reducing its harmful effects. Just as there are many sources of stress, there are many possibilities for its management. However, all require work toward change: changing the source of stress and/or changing your reaction to it. How do you proceed?
  1. Become aware of your stressors and your emotional and physical reactions.
    Notice your distress. Don't ignore it. Don't gloss over your problems. Determine what events distress you. What are you telling yourself about meaning of these events? Determine how your body responds to the stress. Do you become nervous or physically upset? If so, in what specific ways?
  2. Recognize what you can change.
  • Can you change you stressors by avoiding or eliminating them completely?
  • Can you reduce their intensity (manage them over a period of time instead of on a daily or weekly basis)?
  • Can you shorten your exposure to stress (take a break, leave the physical premises)?

3. Can you devote the time and energy necessary to making a change (goal setting, time management techniques, and delayed gratification strategies may be helpful here)?
Reduce the intensity of your emotional reactions to stress.

The stress reaction is triggered by your perception of danger...physical danger and/or emotional danger. Are you viewing your stressors in exaggerated terms and/or taking a difficult situation and making it a disaster?Are you expecting to please everyone? Are you overreacting and viewing things as absolutely critical and urgent? Do you feel you must always prevail in every situation? Work at adopting more moderate views; try to see the stress as something you can cope with rather than something that overpowers you. Try to temper your excess emotions. Put the situation in perspective. Do not labor on the negative aspects and the "what if's."

4. Learn to moderate your physical reactions to stress.

Slow, deep breathing will bring your heart rate and respiration back to normal. Relaxation techniques can reduce muscle tension. Electronic biofeedback can help you gain voluntary control over such things as muscle tension, heart reate, and blood pressure.Medications, when prescribed by a physician, can help in the short term in moderating your physical reactions. However, they alone are not the answer. Learning to moderate these reactions on your own is a preferable long-term solution.

5. Build your physical reserves.
Exercise for cardiovascular fitness three to four times a week (moderate, prolonged rhythmic exercise is best, such as walking, swimming, cycling, or jogging).Eat well-balanced, nutritious meals. Maintain your ideal weight. Avoid nicotine, excessive caffeine, and other stimulants. Mix leisure with work. Take breaks and get away when you can. Get enough sleep. Be as consistent with your sleep schedule as possible. 6. Maintain your emotional reserves.

Develop some mutually supportive friendships/relationships. Pursue realistic goals, which are meaningful to you, rather than goals others have for you that you do not share.Expect some frustrations, failures, and sorrows.Always be kind and gentle with yourself -- be a friend to yourself.

Female Hair Loss- A Practical Guide for Cure & Treatment

When a woman loses her hair, she loses her heart! It is one of her best beauty aids. The bald man may look smarter. But you never say that I wish to see a smart bald woman!
With hair loss invading her life, a woman is bound to feel upset and would ever be in a state of confusion and confrontation to effectively meet the challenge of hair loss. But you need to tell her that stress is also one of the strong factors of hair loss and on this front, she needs to control her emotions.Instead of analyzing the issue threadbare, I wish to sum up the issue in one sweeping statement, “Educate yourself!”
Hair loss is such a personal and typical issue that even your physician will not be able to give you the correct advice corresponding to your requirements. You are in a better position to identify and rectify the deficiencies that contributed to your hair loss. Taking treatment, no doubt is very important, but not taking treatment is also sometimes important!
To give you an example in this context suppose that your hair loss is due to some disease for which you took treatment. Now the disease is gone and the hair re-growth is bound to happen only if you have little patience. If you unnecessarily stress yourself, that could become a further reason for retarding the process of growth of hair.
There are many reasons for female hair loss and therefore there is a need for a specific hair loss treatment for women.
Some of the numerous reasons for female hair loss are the female body producing more testosterone than usual (women have small amounts in their bodies), or medical conditions involving hormones, as well as autoimmune diseases or thyroid disorders.
The causes for female hair loss are different to the causes of men's hair loss. Also hair loss in women can occur at any age, whereas men’s hair loss typically occurs when they grow older. Women's hair loss is also different in that it can occur all over the head, whereas men tend to see hair loss mostly on the top and at the temples.
Possible Treatments for Female Hair Loss:
A more expensive option and one, which many women choose, is hair transplant. Another possible option is Lasercomb, which is an expensive laser treatment that makes the hair appear thicker. This one is FDA approved as well. A further possibility is Toppik, a treatment that is applied to the scalp, which assists in concealing the hair loss.
Since there are so many different causes of female hair loss there are many options for treatment. Female hair loss treatments can differ from male hair loss treatment. After you've eliminated any serious underlying medical conditions visit your local pharmacy and check out the range of female hair loss products available before you consider the more expensive options. Some of the over-the-counter hair loss products produce satisfactory results when used as directed.
The listing of the causes for hair loss in women is endless. As many women, as many causes! All that you need to know is good general knowledge about hair growth and a timetable about its maintenance. A number of fruits and vegetables are conducive to the health and growth of hair. Change your lifestyle and diet habits accordingly.

Student Loan Consolidation - Find the Best

Most of the students apply for student loans for further education. They promise for repayment of the loan within a certain time frame after completion of their degree.

The following paragraphs will describe about the topics, and also provides best advice on finding additional information on the subject.

When you consolidate the loan, you are generally given a longer period of time to repay than you were given with the unconsolidated debt. The time period can be up to 30 years. This means that your payment will often be lower than the total payments you would be making without consolidation. You will often have to pay more interest, though, because the length of the loan is longer. But the interest rate is generally a fixed rate, meaning it will never change throughout the entire duration of your loan. This is a huge advantage, because most of them carry a variable fixed rate that can change at any time as agreed earlier.
Many resources are available to help you find more information regarding the subject including:
  • Lending Institutions
  • Internet
  • Financial Aid offices of Learning institutions

When searching for more information it could also prove to be very helpful to contact the Department of Education (DOE). The DOE commonly offers numerous helpful resources on the subject. If you have any questions regarding student loan consolidation, the DEO can most often help you obtain the answers you need.

Loan Consolidation has many clear benefits, but before you obligate yourself by signing your name on the dotted line, you should do your research and obtain all the information you can find. In doing so, you will enable yourself to find the best solution available in the city.

Know Your Credit Score:

If your credit score is good, you should not have any problems getting a great rate. If your rating is over 660, you will automatically qualify for the best rates, and you do not have to research any more.

If your rating is under 600, you have to evaluate ways to raise it before seeking student loan consolidation. Your score is a main factor in determining the type of interest rate you may receive from the lender.

If you have good credit, they can trust that you will pay back the loan without default. Thus, they will often offer you a lower interest rate. But if your credit is not good, they will give you a higher interest rate to insure that they will receive repayment. If your credit is very poor, you may not even qualify for student loan consolidation.

Knowing your credit score is the first step in gaining student loan consolidation information. Knowledge is power. The more knowledge you have on the subject, the better chance you will have at obtaining the best rates from lenders.

Obtaining Information From the Internet

With the worldwide popularity of Internet, it has been easier to obtain the best interest rates. Educating yourself on the subject has been easier. By utilizing any search engine, you can generate vast amounts of information with just a few clicks of the mouse. There are many tools available online, to assist you in finding the best interest rates available. These tools include:

  • free credit check links
  • student loan consolidation calculators
  • interest rate estimators

Knowledge is the key in finding the best rates available. The more knowledge you have on the subject, as well as knowing your credit scores, the better your chances of getting a good interest rate.

Big Benefits of Student Loan Consolidation

A student can apply online for student loan consolidation, as there are various debt consolidation packages are present. A student can save money by combining student debt loan into one loan with the help of student loan consolidation rates. It will lower your interest rates and will save your time.

How A Student Loan Consolidation Works?
Here is how the student loan consolidation works. You have used up thousands of dollars in student loans to pay your way through college, obtain housing throughout college, and pay for other odds-and-ends while attending college. A student loan consolidation then takes all these different loans, pays for each of them, at which time you then pay the student loan consolidation company for the total amount of loans taken out during college.
Example of Student Loan Consolidation
If you were to have outstanding loans of $5000 to one company, $6000 to another, and $9000 to a third, the student loan consolidation allows you to owe $20000 to one company, rather than to three. This can save you money in the long run, as these companies also may be able to offer you a competitive interest rate, which means you will be paying less overall for your student loans in a shorter amount of time and to only one company.
Potential Student Loan Consolidation Problems
Problems can occur with student loan consolidations if you catch a deal that does not work out favorably to your situation. For instance, if you choose a no-cost student loan consolidation that does not offer you a low interest rate, you could actually end up paying them more than you originally would have! It is important that you choose a company not for their “no-cost” approach, but for their willingness to get your student loans paid off with a consolidation that promotes a quick pay-off with minimal interest rates.
Benefits of Student Loan Consolidation
You can benefit from student loan consolidation, but there are things you should consider. It’s a good idea to start looking into how you can consolidate your student loans before the grace period ends. Big monthly student loan payments can be stressful when starting a new career.
1. Should I Consolidate My Student Loans Now?
There has never been a better time than now, to take advantage of the lowest interest rates in recent history. A student can get the best deals for consolidating debt and lower those monthly payments. Student loan consolidation can save you hundreds of dollars per year on repaying your student loan.
2. How Does Student Loan Consolidation Work?
When a student first applied for loans from several different government agencies and loan providers, they each gave a different interest rate and term for paying back the loans.
The idea of student loan consolidation is to take all the different loans and put them into one easy convenient loan. You then only make one monthly loan payment over time. This saves the student both time and money.
Having a lower interest rate and fewer checks to write every month are the big advantages of consolidating a student loan.
3. Student Loan Consolidation Is Now Easy in Online.
You can now get a consolidation loan online quickly and easily. The Internet makes research and finding great programs, easy as a few clicks of the mouse. You can get done in a day, what would in the past, take weeks to accomplish.
You can learn everything you need to know from information sites that provide the latest news and data in regards to student loan consolidation.
This empowers you to get the best deals on student loan consolidation. With a few clicks of the mouse, you can get loan quotes and compare loan companies that are competing for your business.
4. Consolidation Loans Can Relieve Stress
Student loan consolidation can help student loan borrowers focus on their education, instead of debt. With a single new loan and lower monthly payments, you can focus on what’s most important, education and your new career. There is no need to lose sleep at night stressing out about how you’re going to pay back all those student loans.

Student Loan Consolidation Rate - 6 Exclusive Tips

Are you a career-minded student?

Aiming is to go for higher studies?

But can't go because of the shortage of money. Don't worry student loan consolidation will help you to go for higher studies.

With federal student loan consolidation, rates are fixed. Students also can take advantage of deferment, forbearance and cancellation options.

Another highlight of student loan consolidation is the extension of payments. Many students find they can extend a 10-year repayment plan to as long as 30 years. This depends on a borrower's balance, so it's important to check out the options. Student loan consolidation offers students the same interest rate on the same amount, but for a longer term, hence betters affordability.

A student can apply online for student loan consolidation, as there are various debt consolidation packages are present. A student can save money by combining student debt loan into one loan with the help of student loan consolidation rates. It will lower your interest rates and will save your time.

According to the Education Department, students who are graduated or are still in school may consolidate their government-guaranteed loans -- a step that clears the way of hurdles, were stopped by the high interest rates. Now a student doesn't have to pay high interest on student loan consolidation rate, apply and enjoy LOW rates.

A student has to check some points when he/she going to sign on the loan papers. Carefully examine each and every point written on the papers. Prepare you mind about the student loan consolidation rates. If the burden of paying monthly bills are in your shoulders, than you have to check for the companies who are offering additional services regarding your requirements.

Student Loan Consolidation Plans – 6 Exclusive Tips:

  1. Give a thorough search before taking any decision on student loan consolidation rates. Choose a lender who is offering low monthly rates and provides good facilities.
  2. Try to get only student loan consolidation as for student loans you have to pay differently to every loan provider. Student loan consolidation will take your all tensions in one package.
  3. These days, some federal consolidation loans have a fixed rate for the life of your student loan. It's best to do research to see what the best interest rates and term you are eligible for. You can check online to calculate the interest rate on a new student consolidation loan based on the rates of your current student loans. You can then round up to the nearest 1/8th of a percent of the weighted average of the interest rates on your eligible student loans.
  4. Federal consolidation rates can give you relief as you can extent your payment period up to 30 years. This way you can focus on your studies effectively and when you get a good job you can pay back all the debts.
  5. Student loans consolidation is also made for school going students. This way you can get loans on low rates.
  6. With a new student loan consolidation, you may be able to get a much better interest rate. Interest rates are now at an all time low. You may have been paying on debt you built up from several years ago, at high interest rates. Things change over time in the financial industry.

What Does Your Tie Say About You?

Neckwear is associated with business, special occasions and sophistication. Skimping on a quality tie or wearing an out-of-style tie can send the wrong message at an important time.

Neckwear Frequently Asked Questions:
Tie expert John Kammeier, who oversees the design and production of over 13 million ties per year, answers some common neckwear questions:

Q. Is my tie too short?

It can make you look like you're wearing a kid's tie and distract from any message of being considered seriously by an employer or a date. The point of the tie should extend to the bottom of the belt buckle. Make sure the tail of the tie does not hang below the front of the tie. If you are particularly tall, you need not sacrifice style; look for extra-long ties. Standard ties are approximately 57 inches from tip to tip and extra-long ties measure about 60 inches.

Q. When is a novelty tie with cartoons appropriate?

If you are a lawyer about to defend a client, confine the cartoons to your boxers. However, if it's the holidays and your family and friends know you as the life of the party, go for the dancing reindeer or silly Santa.

Q. Which colors or patterns?

Neckwear fashion changes quickly. New trends can emerge in as little as 45 days. If you really want to be up to the minute with your neckwear, don't wait for a sale. A tie is relatively inexpensive-even from such fashion brands as Chaps or Donald J. Trump. If a tie is marked down, it probably means the store is seeing the sales of that pattern or color trending down, which means the colors and patterns of the full-price ties are still popular and possibly trending up. When it comes to color, the general rule is the tie should be darker than the shirt.

In addition, many of the leading dress-shirt manufacturers work hand in hand with the neckwear companies to make it easy to find the right tie. As per current fashion trend when a new color in dress shirts introduce, there is a minimum of six different ties that will be developed to complement the shirt.

To keep neckwear selection simple, think about "wear and where": And What are you going to wear it with and to where?

Secrets To A Longer and Healthier Life

Recent studies have revealed that people who live past age 100 were usually healthier at younger ages than their peers. People who live for 100 years or more aren't just lucky. Researchers have found that those who live exceptionally long and healthy lives often have company--in their very own families. Scientists are now aiming to understand what makes these elders unique, so we can all benefit.

Unique "protective" factors against disease and disability may have been at work throughout their lives, not just at very old ages. So what exactly protects these people and contributes to their extraordinary survival?

Genetics may play a role. Studies of very old people and their families in specific populations--such as those in Iceland and in Mormon and Amish communities--have shown that remarkably long life runs in families. Researchers have even found specific genes that may contribute to exceptional survival.

While genes likely play a role, other factors that tend to run in families, such as lifestyles, can also contribute.

You're probably already familiar with these from when you were a kid: Eat your fruits and vegetables, don't smoke, get enough rest, exercise several times a week, monitor your health and see your doctor regularly.

NIH's National Institute on Aging (NIA) has begun a major study of long-lived families to learn more about the factors that lead to longer life. The Long Life Family Study (LLFS) will focus on what protects against disease and disability by following exceptional families over time.

You may be able to help researchers discover the secrets to a longer, healthier life. LLFS investigators are looking for people ages 80 or older who have at least one living brother or sister age 80 plus.

Health Insurance – Peace Of Mind That Money Can Buy

Honestly, all forms of insurance are really nothing more than a big rip off; at least, this is one way of looking at it. Another way is to think of insurance as a morbid form of gambling (especially life insurance). You pay a monthly premium to stay insured so that if you get sick or die or get into an auto accident, your insurance premiums pay off to your benefit, saving you from piles of debt and a potential bankruptcy.

With that said, it goes without saying that insurance is just a necessary evil in the overall scheme of life, especially health insurance, thanks to bureaucracy and crooked billing practices on the part of hospitals and insurance companies. So bite the bullet and get health insurance, and look on the bright side, it the one form insurance you are almost guaranteed to use at some point in your life.

The most difficult part of buying health insurance is buying health insurance (no this is not a typo). There are so many health plans and providers that it’s a miracle anybody is ever able to get insured. And if you think buying independent health care insurance on your own is difficult, you should see what people whose employers offer it sometimes have to go through. It used to be easy for employees in the work place when it came to getting coverage; all that was required was to choose how many people in your family would be covered and then sign on the jotted line, and human resources did the rest. Not any more though.

Consumers and workers who sign up for insurance today now have options. Insurance companies boast about their options and how they make them better than the competition, but to the average consumer it is nothing more than a big headache caused by the precious time wasted sifting through guides and reading convoluted text that makes no since to anyone but the lawyers who wrote them.

Essentially, these options allow you to choose a deductible and premium, which in turn will stipulate what amount of coverage you get. The higher your monthly premium the better the coverage is and the less out of pocket expenses you face. This is the opposite if you choose a plan with a low premium and low deductible.

It would be unfair though, to feel too much sympathy for employees trying to choose the right health coverage at work; after all, they can always seek help from their human resources department. What about the self-employed, or those who have jobs that don’t offer health benefits?

The best place to begin shopping for health insurance and gathering information is the Internet. Find a company you are interested in and then call them. Ask a representative to send you an information package, and when you get it call back and have someone explain everything within it that you do not understand. Make sure and ask what your total monthly premium will be, as well as your deductible.

If they are a good health insurance company then they will be more than happy to take the time to answer your questions, and will probably even be willing to work with your budget to help you find the best possible coverage. Finding the right health insurance will take some time, but could turn out to be well worth it if you or a loved one need it.

Create a Healthy Sleep Habits for your Children

Maybe you haven't heard from all those parents who are getting a good night's sleep. Maybe that's because they are so glad to finally be getting their rest that they don't want to say or do anything to jinx it.

This is one area where practical knowledge can clearly be worth more than a degree. You don't need to go to medical school or have a degree in psychology to learn what really works. Many of the children who are the best sleepers have some of the least educated parents.
This interesting article addresses some of the key issues regarding healthy sleep habits. A careful reading of this material could make a big difference in how you think about healthy sleep habits to children. Healthy sleep habits for children are as significant as they are a necessary for health, proper growth and well-being.
Children, who get sufficient amount sleep every night function better throughout the day, are more alert, and their concentration, performance and memory are better than those who don’t sleep well. As well children with sleep problems are less likely to develop behavioral problems of any kind, moodiness, anxiety or depression.
The needs of sleep differ from child to child but school age children in general require in the area of nine to twelve hours of sleep per night. Consider these things if you are unsure whether or not your child is getting enough sleep every night.
  • If he/she wakes up easily in the morning that is a good sign.
  • If he/she is wide awake, energetic and alert throughout the school day then the nighttime sleep is sufficient.
  • If a child can fall asleep within a period of fifteen minutes to a half an hour than he or she is getting enough sleep.

It is significant to explain to your child why getting enough sleep every night is significant, not only in terms of his/her health but also for performance in school and other activities such as sports, music, playtime, etc.

Bedtime Routines:

Above all else developing and following a routine before bedtime is the number one tip to encourage good sleep habits in your child is to. A routine is good for children because children like predictability and a bedtime routine makes it easier for a kid to calm down after their busy day, crawl into bed and drift off to sleep.

A typical bedtime routine for a child should look something like this- a light snack, a relaxing bath, dry off and put on pajamas, wash face and brush teeth, read a bedtime story and then it’s good night and lights out.

Same Bedtime:
Stick to the same bedtime every night. An occasional change in the bedtime routine, such as when grandparents visit or during a holiday weekend is one thing, but for the most part, a consistent routine is best.

Children’s Bedroom:

Always make sure that a child’s room is at a comfortable temperature and that it is peaceful and quiet. Also many children do not want to be left in the total darkness while they sleep so getting a nightlight is a worthwhile purchase to make.

Stress can cause sleepless nights for children so always encourage your son or daughter to talk with you about any concerns or worries he or she is having, whether they be family problems, school related problems and so on.

You may not consider everything you just read to be crucial information about healthy sleep habits for your children. But don't be surprised if you find yourself recalling and using this very information in the next few days.

Cut-off Time for Entertainment:

It is an excellent idea to devise a specific cut-off time for entertainment for your child, in terms of television, video games, and the computer and so on. It is not a good idea to have a television or a computer in a child’s bedroom, as they can be easily distracted or tempted to play after they are told, “Enough for today.”

It is an even better idea to cease television, computer or videos an hour before bedtime in order to make the preparation for sleep a calm and relaxing experience. A child does not need anything stimulating before bedtime.

Sleep Disorders for Children:

Children can suffer from sleep disorders just like people of any age can. Sleep apnea, insomnia, enuresis (bed wetting), bruxism (teeth grinding), asthma that is nocturnal in nature and nightmares can all occur in children.

You make a visit to the doctor to decide upon a course of action, the better, if your child is having problems with sleep the sooner.

Educate Your Child about Sleep:

Try to make the whole sleep experience as positive and uplifting as can be. Encourage your child to learn how to fall asleep on his/her own and not to need to rely on you.

Research has proven that a child sleeping in a parent’s bed runs a risk of them suffocating or being strangled and also fosters dependence to an unhealthy extent. None of these things are as likely to happen when the child is alone in their own bed.

It is the kid who can be alone and fall asleep by him/herself who learns better how to cope with moments when he or she is awakened during the night. The only time that you might want to stay with your child until they fall asleep is if they are sick or extremely fearful.

Take time to consider the points presented above. What you learn may help you overcome your hesitation to take action.

Weight Loss - Best Diets & Tips

I am not a fan of the concept of dieting. When I didn't know any better, I went on several diets as a teenager, and am not proud of it. Over several years, I have learnt the key aspects of the best diet to lose weight.

Here's the truth - The best diet to lose weight should not feel like a diet, it should be a lifestyle.Here's the problem with a diet - It is temporary, which means you will not stick with it. The best diet to lose weight is something you can live with day after day. It's an approach to eating which involves healthy food, and occasional cheating.

If you don't cheat once in a while, you will end up cheating all the time. Therefore, cheating is a part of a healthy diet! Let's take a close look at several 'diet plans' in the market and analyze them.
The drawbacks of a ‘strict diet' to lose weight are:
(a) Diets require that you eat a certain way, with typical restrictions. Unless a diet is well-planned, it may emphasize too much of one nutrient at the expense of another. For example, a high protein diet is, as the name suggests, high in protein and fat. By default, this means that it's hard to get a satisfactory supply of complex carbohydrates and essential vitamins and minerals with such a diet. Although some updated diet plans attempt to correct this imbalance with healthy choices, the million dollar question is:- Can you stick with that plan for the rest of your life? Research has shown that individuals who go on a strict diet tend to give up at some point. If they revert back to old (generally unhealthy) eating habits, they not only gain the weight back, but put on some more weight! This leads to a vicious ‘yo-yo' affect in which he/she goes on yet another diet, and fails to lose weight. The only think one ends up losing is hope, motivation and knowledge about the right foods/habits to get on the right track.

(b) Many diets require some degree of starvation. Starving is a surefire way to slow down your metabolism and gain weight in the long run! If you don't eat enough, your metabolism shuts down so your body gets used to eating little calories. Your body develops a tendency to store fat, instead of lose it.

(c) A diet can be an ordeal to sustain for many people. It can affect your social life (you can't eat what your friends are eating), your state of mind and even your health. Any food restriction in diets (and if you find a best diet to lose weight, you can bet it involves some type of restriction) can be harmful because the body does not obtain a sufficient variety of nutrients. Also, if you give up on the diet, you not only regain the weight, but tend to 'binge' on the foods you missed and may even become worse in your eating habits!

The best way to find a diet that works for you is to experiment. Enjoy the foods you like in moderation. Only indulge if you really have to, and reduce the instances of 'cheating'. I have. Try and get a diet plan and use it as a benchmark for what you can, and cannot eat. Read food labels and try and shop as healthy as you can.

In summary, the best diet to lose weight is healthy, something you can live with, and from which you can deviate once in a while.
When it comes to losing weight, it is never easy; therefore, you want some guidance and help, pushing you in the right direction. Losing weight is something that you do not only for yourself, health wise, but also for your loved ones, so that you can be assured you are doing everything in your power to make sure you are around for a very long time. Being overweight is extremely dangerous and can lead to a variety of health problems and in some cases death due to complications from weight.
Here are some free weight loss tips to help you get started.
Free Weight Loss Tip - 1
Set a REALISTIC goal for weight loss. When we say realistic we mean do not set your goals in a range which may be unachievable or unhealthy. The best way to determine how much weight you should lose is to find out what the average weight is for someone that is your height, age, and gender. When you do this in most cases, you will see a range of about 10 to 12 lbs for your specific gender, age, and height. The lower number is for those who have a small framed body, the higher is for someone who has a large frame. For medium frames, somewhere between the two numbers is ideal.

Free Weight Loss Tip - 2
Don't get discouraged. There are several ways that dieters become discouraged when trying to reach their weight loss goals. One is if they were losing a lot at the beginning then start to slow down and the other is if they cheat or have setbacks.

If you find that you lost weight a lot at the beginning say six to ten pounds in the first week, then dropped to only one to four pounds the next week do not get discouraged. This is absolutely normal. Many people until their bodies adjust to their new methods of eating will lose many pounds in the first week. As time goes and the body adjusts, the rate of weight loss will decrease. It is acceptable to lose one to two pounds a week.
Furthermore, if you cheat or have a setback, this is a normal occurrence as well. It is important that you realize this and get right back on your diet. These free weight loss tips are designed to help keep you on the right track. If you make a mistake, just start over again, or pick up where you left off, it does not mean you will never lose the weight.
While there are only two free weight loss tips in this article, these are the two biggest tips you need to be aware of. The only other tips you really need to know is choose a weight loss program that is suitable for your needs, reliable, and well worth your time and effort.

Orlando Culinary Academy- Best Station for Culinary Study

You can taste culinary success with help from the world-renowned coursework included in the Le Cordon Bleu Culinary Arts Program. Get focused, hands-on education in culinary techniques from around the world. Learn theoretical concepts, practical skills, and creative applications while interacting with experienced faculty and professionals.

Do you love to cook?

Are you looking to enter the creative and dynamic hospitality industry with Le Cordon Bleu Culinary Arts training?

If you are ready for an exciting career, here is the recipe Orlando Culinary Academy has prepared for your success.

Orlando Culinary Academy offers culinary arts training, along with hospitality and restaurant management program areas. Located in beautiful Orlando, Florida, the Orlando Culinary Academy boasts the combination of a modern training center and one of the world’s top vacation destinations. That means opportunity, excitement and fun while you learn about culinary arts. The Orlando Culinary Academy’s association with Le Cordon Bleu represents a union of the finest in European and North American culinary arts training programs available today.

Orlando Culinary Academy offers programs on the following fields:

  • Le Cordon Bleu Patisserie and Baking Program

  • Le Cordon Bleu Hospitality & Restaurant Management Program

  • The Associate of Applied Science Degree

According to the National Restaurant Association, the food industry will top 13 million employees by 2010. Opportunities are boundless in this dynamic and growth-oriented industry. Besides a program with Global recognition, the Orlando Culinary Academy offers its culinary students the necessary skills to find their ideal job after graduation.

Orlando Culinary Academy have the programs you need if you’re interested in culinary schools in Orlando, chef training, and culinary arts training in Le Cordon Bleu Programs. They provide educational programs that prepare students for professional opportunities in the international hospitality industry. They offer individualized, hands-on education in the classic and modern culinary arts to encourage career success for their students


Sunday, November 19, 2006

Saddam Hussein Sentenced to Death for Crimes Against Humanity

The iron-fisted dictator, who ruled Iraq for nearly a quarter of a century, was found guilty of crimes against humanity Sunday and sentenced to death by hanging.
The so-called Butcher of Baghdad, who was president of Iraq from 1979 until he was deposed by Coalition forces in April 2003, was convicted of the 1982 killings of 148 Shiites in the city of Dujail.
The visibly shaken former leader shouted "God is great!" as Iraq's High Tribunal announced his sentence.
addam's half brother and former intelligence chief Barzan Ibrahim, and Awad Hamed al-Bandar, head of the former Revolutionary Court, were sentenced to join Saddam on the gallows for the Dujail killings after an unsuccessful assassination attempt during a Saddam visit to the city 35 miles north of Baghdad.
The trial brought Saddam and his co-defendants before their accusers in what was one of the most highly publicized and heavily reported trials of its kind since the Nuremberg tribunals for members of Adolf Hitler's Nazi regime and its slaughter of 6 million Jews in the World War II Holocaust.
As the verdict was read, Saddam yelled out, "Long live the people and death to their enemies. Long live the glorious nation, and death to its enemies!" Later, his lawyer said the former dictator called on Iraqis to reject sectarian violence and refrain from revenge against U.S. forces.
"The verdict placed on the heads of the former regime does not represent a verdict for any one person. It is a verdict on a whole dark era that has was unmatched in Iraq's history," said Nouri al-Maliki, Iraq's Shiite prime minister.
Some feared the court decision could exacerbate the sectarian violence that has pushed the country to the brink of civil war, after a trial that stretched over nine months in 39 sessions and ended nearly 3 1/2 months ago. The verdict came two days before midterm elections in the United States widely seen as a referendum on the Bush administration's policy in Iraq. U.S. and Iraqi officials have denied the timing was deliberate.
In north Baghdad's heavily Sunni Azamiyah district, clashes broke out between police and gunmen. Elsewhere in the capital, celebratory gunfire rang out.
Saddam and his seven co-defendants were on trial for a wave of revenge killings carried out in the city of Dujail following a 1982 assassination attempt on the former dictator. Al-Maliki's Islamic Dawa party, then an underground opposition, has claimed responsibility for organizing the attempt on Saddam's life.
In the streets of Dujail, people celebrated and burned pictures of their former tormentor as the verdict was read.
Saddam's chief lawyer Khalil al-Dulaimi condemned the trial as a "farce," claiming the verdict was planned. He said defense attorneys would appeal within 30 days.
The death sentences automatically go to a nine-judge appeals panel, which has unlimited time to review the case. If the verdicts and sentences are upheld, the executions must be carried out within 30 days.
During Sunday's hearing, Saddam initially refused the chief judge's order to rise; two bailiffs pulled the ousted ruler to his feet and he remained standing through the sentencing, sometimes wagging his finger at the judge.
Before the session began, one of Saddam's lawyers, former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark, was ejected from the courtroom after handing the judge a memorandum in which he called the trial a travesty.
Chief Judge Raouf Abdul-Rahman pointed to Clark and said in English: "Get out."
Saddam faces additional charges in a separate case over an alleged massacre of Kurdish civilians -- a trial that will continue while appeals are pending.
The guilty verdict is likely to enrage hard-liners among Saddam's fellow Sunnis, who made up the bulk of the former ruling class. The country's majority Shiites were persecuted under the former leader but now largely control the government. Al-Dulaimi, Saddam's lawyer, told AP his client called on Iraqis to reject sectarian violence and refrain from taking revenge on U.S. invaders.
In Tikrit, Saddam's hometown, 1,000 people defied the curfew and carried pictures of the city's favorite son through the streets. Some declared the court a product of the U.S. "occupation forces" and condemned the verdict.
"By our souls, by our blood we sacrifice for you Saddam" and "Saddam your name shakes America."

Federal Student Loan-Tips for Parents

The United States government is bent on changing the state of the American education system by introducing programs geared towards providing quality education for all people especially those who cannot afford it. The favorable stand of the US government towards educating its population is evident with the message of Secretary Margaret Spellings confirming that the US government has allotted no less than sixty billion dollars for affordable student loans.
1. Education Loans:
The US Department of Education seems to be bent in helping Americans finish their College degrees even if they could not afford it upfront by providing for low interest student loans. Millions of college students have already benefited from the student loans granted by the US government last year.
The Department is also eyeing student loan grants to at least five hundred thousand college students who could not university education. Particularly targeted by the student loans program are those who plan to take up courses in foreign languages, science and math as these areas of studies are essential in Americas quest for economic and political superiority.
2. Loans for Students
College students can choose from a variety of government and private loans that are easily available for them even through the Internet. Of course, government loans are generally more favorable towards college students availing of the loan as they offer lower interest rated and better packages.
3. Federal Loan Deadlines
Most college students eyeing the Federal student loan should consider the deadlines set by the government in applying for the loan. The best thing to do is to apply for Federal loans during the first day of January every year. It is also advisable to get information from specific schools as they have different deadlines depending also on the State where they are located.
4. Forms, Forms Also, More Forms
College student eyeing a Federal loan should get hold of the necessary forms and fill them up properly. Also gather the necessary documents so you can easily present them when needed. It is better to make a checklist of the forms and documents needed so you are able to see that documents you already have and that ones you do not have.
5. Apply Early, Apply Often
Federal loan applicants should make sure they know their Social Security Number, identification cards like drivers license, income tax records, bank statements, or if you are not a US citizen, the alien registration number. Never commit the mistake of sending out the original documents as you may need them again in the future.Make sure that the application form for the federal loan is filled up properly. Check on the Federal loan application website to make sure the forms have been filled out properly and the necessary documents already Submitted.
6. Check Your Eligibility
But who are eligible to apply for Federal student aid? There are requirements that should be met or complied with by students wanting to avail of the Federal student loan but it is not necessary that the student applicant is a US citizen. It is enough that the student holds a valid alien registration card or is considered an eligible alien.Before complying with the other requirements of the Federal student loan application, make sure the person applying is a high school graduate with a valid diploma or holds a recognized certificate. Also make sure that you do not have outstanding federal student loans that are overdue and have remained unpaid. The primary consideration is the financial need of the student applicant and the family but those who may have a financial need but have been convicted for drugs need not apply.
7. Have Financial Information Ready
To make sure that the financial capacity of the family meets the requirement of the Federal loan application, check the family income on the web. This will however be only an estimate and the student applicant will receive the actual and official calculation of the family income once the signature requirements have been met.The financial support that will be provided by the Federal loan grant will depend on several factors including the family income contribution as well as the actual cost of enrollment and going to College. The respective schools will determine the exact amount or financial support the student will get based on these and other important factors.
The Federal PLUS Loan for Parents is an affordable, low-interest loan designed for parents of undergraduate students.
Cover the Total Cost of Education
The Parent PLUS Loan can be used to cover up to 100 percent of your child's total cost of education, minus other financial aid awarded to the student. This total amount can include tuition, books, food, housing, transportation, and more.

Though eligibility for this loan is not based on household income, assets or financial need, having your student fill out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid is encouraged and may be requested by your child's school.
By choosing us for your Parent PLUS Loan, you get:
  • Savings of up to 7.25% off your original loan amount with Triple Payback® rewards, only from Wachovia1
  • Credit counselors to assist with adverse credit issues during the application process
  • Fast access to funds, including pre-approval in minutes

  • No collateral requirements or income limitations

  • Ability to defer payments up to 4 years with our forbearance option

  • Flexible repayment options